DPMSGetTimeouts(3) X FUNCTIONS DPMSGetTimeouts(3)

DPMSGetTimeouts - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings

cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lXext [ library ... ]
#include <X11/extensions/dpms.h>
Bool DPMSGetTimeouts

Display *display,
CARD16 *standby,
CARD16 *suspend,
CARD16 *off );

Specifies the connection to the X server
Specifies the current standby timeout in seconds
Specifies the current suspend timeout in seconds
Specifies the current off timeout in seconds

The DPMSGetTimeouts function retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings.

The value standby is the amount of time of inactivity in seconds before standby mode is invoked. A value of zero indicates that this mode has been disabled.

The value suspend is the amount of time of inactivity in seconds before the second level of power savings is invoked. A value of zero indicates that this mode has been disabled.

The value off is the amount of time of inactivity in seconds before the third and final level of power savings is invoked. A value of zero indicates that this mode has been disabled.

The DPMSGetTimeouts function returns TRUE when values are returned.
The DPMSGetTimeouts function returns FALSE when no values returned.

DPMSCapable(3), DPMSInfo(3), DPMSSetTimeouts(3)

libXext 1.3.6 X Version 11