RIPEMD160(3) Library Functions Manual RIPEMD160(3)

RIPEMD160, RIPEMD160_Init, RIPEMD160_Update, RIPEMD160_FinalRIPEMD-160 hash function

#include <openssl/ripemd.h>

unsigned char *
RIPEMD160(const unsigned char *d, unsigned long n, unsigned char *md);

RIPEMD160_Init(RIPEMD160_CTX *c);

RIPEMD160_Update(RIPEMD160_CTX *c, const void *data, unsigned long len);

RIPEMD160_Final(unsigned char *md, RIPEMD160_CTX *c);

RIPEMD-160 is a cryptographic hash function with a 160-bit output.

() computes the RIPEMD-160 message digest of the n bytes at d and places it in md, which must have space for RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH == 20 bytes of output.

The following functions may be used if the message is not completely stored in memory:

() initializes a RIPEMD160_CTX structure.

() can be called repeatedly with chunks of the message to be hashed (len bytes at data).

() places the message digest in md, which must have space for RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH == 20 bytes of output, and erases the RIPEMD160_CTX.

Applications should use the higher level functions EVP_DigestInit(3) etc. instead of calling the hash functions directly.

RIPEMD160() returns a pointer to the hash value.

RIPEMD160_Init(), RIPEMD160_Update(), and RIPEMD160_Final() return 1 for success or 0 otherwise.

EVP_DigestInit(3), HMAC(3)

ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004/Cor 1:2011
Hash-functions — Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions
Clause 7: RIPEMD-160

RIPEMD160(), RIPEMD160_Init(), RIPEMD160_Update(), and RIPEMD160_Final() first appeared in SSLeay 0.9.0 and have been available since OpenBSD 2.4.

Other implementations allow md in RIPEMD160() to be NULL and return a static array, which is not thread safe.

May 26, 2024 OpenBSD 7.6