STRPBRK(3) Library Functions Manual STRPBRK(3)

strpbrklocate multiple characters in string

#include <string.h>

char *
strpbrk(const char *s, const char *charset);

The () function locates in the NUL-terminated string s the first occurrence of any character in the string charset and returns a pointer to this character. If no characters from charset occur anywhere in s, strpbrk() returns NULL.

memchr(3), strchr(3), strcspn(3), strrchr(3), strsep(3), strspn(3), strstr(3), strtok(3), wcspbrk(3)

The strpbrk() function conforms to ANSI X3.159-1989 (“ANSI C89”).

The strpbrk() function first appeared in AT&T System III UNIX and was reimplemented for 4.3BSD-Tahoe.

June 5, 2013 OpenBSD 7.6